Gardner, A. L.; Zheng, L.; Howland, K. K.; Saunders, A.; Ramirez, A.; Parker, P.; Iloegbunam, C.; Morgan, D.; Jost, T.; Brock, A. Mapping Cell-Cell Fusion at Single-Cell Resolution. bioRxiv 2024.
Jost, T. A.; Gardner, A. L.; Morgan, D.; Brock, A. Deep Learning Identifies Heterogeneous Subpopulations in Breast Cancer Cell Lines. July 4, 2024.
Gardner, A. L.; Jost, T. A.; Morgan, D.; Brock, A. Computational Identification of Surface Markers for Isolating Distinct Subpopulations from Heterogeneous Cancer Cell Populations. npj Syst Biol Appl 2024, 10 (1), 120.
Slavkova, K. P.; Patel, S. H.; Cacini, Z.; Kazerouni, A. S.; Gardner, A. L.; Yankeelov, T. E.; Hormuth, D. A. Mathematical Modelling of the Dynamics of Image-Informed Tumor Habitats in a Murine Model of Glioma. Sci Rep 2023, 13 (1), 2916.
McCloskey, D.; Semeere, A.; Ayanga, R.; Laker-Oketta, M.; Lukande, R.; Semakadde, M.; Kanyesigye, M.; Wenger, M.; LeBoit, P.; McCalmont, T.; Maurer, T.; Gardner, A.; Boza, J.; Cesarman, E.; Martin, J.; Erickson, D. LAMP-Enabled Diagnosis of Kaposi’s Sarcoma for Sub-Saharan Africa. Sci. Adv. 2023, 9 (2), eadc8913.
Cotner, M.; Meng, S.; Jost, T.; Gardner, A.; De Santiago, C.; Brock, A. Integration of Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Approaches for the Modeling of Cancer Cell Proliferation Dynamics. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 2023, 324 (2), C247–C262.
Gardner, A.; Alvarez, J.; Genovese, C.; Snodgrass, R.; Kopparthy, V.; Erickson, D.; Cesarman, E. Simplified Detection of Epstein-Barr Virus for Diagnosis of Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma. Blood Advances 2022, 6 (12), 3650–3654.
Gardner, A.; Morgan, D.; Al’Khafaji, A.; Brock, A. Functionalized Lineage Tracing for the Study and Manipulation of Heterogeneous Cell Populations. Methods in Molecular Biology 2021.
Gardner, A. L.; de Santiago, C.; Mo, W.; Morgan, D.; Brenner, E.; Jost, T.; Yankeelov, T. E.; Brock, A. Mathematical Modeling of Direct and Indirect Cell-Cell Interactions Reveals Targetable Contact-Mediated Commensalism between Phenotypically Unique Subpopulations in Clonally-Derived Cancer Cell Populations. In preparation 2021.
Kazerouni, A. S.; Gadde, M.; Gardner, A.; Hormuth, D. A.; Jarrett, A. M.; Johnson, K. E.; Lima, E. A. B. F.; Lorenzo, G.; Phillips, C.; Brock, A.; Yankeelov, T. E. Integrating Quantitative Assays with Biologically Based Mathematical Modeling for Predictive Oncology. iScience 2020, 23 (12), 101807.
Johnson, K. E.; Howard, G. R.; Morgan, D.; Brenner, E. A.; Gardner, A. L.; Durrett, R. E.; Mo, W.; Al’Khafaji, A.; Sontag, E. D.; Jarrett, A. M.; Yankeelov, T. E.; Brock, A. Integrating Transcriptomics and Bulk Time Course Data into a Mathematical Framework to Describe and Predict Therapeutic Resistance in Cancer. Phys. Biol. 2020, 18 (1), 016001.
Snodgrass, R.; Gardner, A.; Semeere, A.; Kopparthy, V. L.; Duru, J.; Maurer, T.; Martin, J.; Cesarman, E.; Erickson, D. A Portable Device for Nucleic Acid Quantification Powered by Sunlight, a Flame or Electricity. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2018, 2 (9), 657–665.
Snodgrass, R.; Gardner, A.; Jiang, L.; Fu, C.; Cesarman, E.; Erickson, D. KS-Detect – Validation of Solar Thermal PCR for the Diagnosis of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Using Pseudo-Biopsy Samples. PLoS ONE 2016, 11 (1), e0147636.
Gumus, A.; Ahsan, S.; Dogan, B.; Jiang, L.; Snodgrass, R.; Gardner, A.; Lu, Z.; Simpson, K.; Erickson, D. Solar-Thermal Complex Sample Processing for Nucleic Acid Based Diagnostics in Limited Resource Settings. Biomed. Opt. Express 2016, 7 (5), 1974.